To illustrate supercoiling, take a long elastic band, cut it, hold one end tight and twist the other end as many times as possible (about 100 times!). Now without untwisting the elastic band, bring the ends together. You will end up with a supercoiled band, see diagram. When you bring the two end pieces together the elastic band tries to unwind, by untwisting about the centreline. However, this is not possible because you are still holding the ends, so it compromises by writhing around in space (like a well used phone cord).
The mathematical formula Lk=Tw+Wr can be used to describe this process. Lk, the linking number, represents the number of times one strand winds around the other, Tw is the twist or the amount of rotation about the centre line and Wr, the writhe, describes how hard it is to straighten out the curve. When the curve is straightened out the writhe, Wr, is zero and the twist, Tw, is high. You can feel the elastic band trying to untwist. When the elastic band is relaxed it supercoils. The twist Tw is now very small and the writhe Wr is high.
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